Sunday, January 7, 2007

A new year..

Ok so a new year has started alhamdulilah. even though i dont celebrate new years or anything i cant help to have these feelings of starting freash, a new beginning, hope. Astaghfirullah i guess thats how i should of felt after hajj or should feel after ramadan or eid... im screwed i know may Allah swt forgive me! speaking of eid alhamdulilah all went very well... this is the first eid in a looong time that we ( my husband and kids) got up nice and early,,,got dressed with no drama or anything..actually made it to the eid prayer not just on time but early!! mashallah it was nice. the day went pretty smooth,,me and my sisters were pretty much in charge with making sure the children were entertained and we were really worried about the weather but alhamdulilah everything work out. the masjid seemed really empty to me... i guess because of the winter break alot of ppl were out of town and stuff. Also last eid mashallah for the first time in years the whooooooole family was here ( except my oldest sis and her kids that live in saudi ). but four of my brothers live in NY and all of them came and i have one sis that lives in North Carolina and one that lives in Pensilvania and they were both here so mashallah we really had a blast!! so now this eid not only did those ppl not come from out of town but my father and sis is gone AND two of my bothers and one of my sisters that live here were out of town for eid LOOL sooo ugh anyway loooool i swear i had no intention of talking about any of this hahaaaaaaaa so i'll stop here. just wanted to post something before the first week of the new year was over :). so mission accomplised,,salam.

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