Tuesday, December 26, 2006

And they're off...

Alhamdulilah abe (my father) and salwa (my sis) left Friday for hajj! im sooo happy for her,,even though she seems to be more excited about her egypt trip after hajj then hajj itself,,crazy girl! cant wait till she comes home to share her stories... this month leading up to hajj has been really weird for me. Ive been having so many dreams that im there or going there... earlier this year, jan 06',i made hajj with my father *first time for me to go to mecca*..it was such a wonderful experiance, mashallah, after so long of wondering what its really like to be there and then to actually be there LOL was really amazing! cant wait to go back inshallah..next time with my husband and my kids,,,and not the other millions of ppl hahaaaa. May Allah swt accept my hajj and bless and reward my hubby for sending me!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

How retarded!

I was looking at different yahoo groups and came across this one..here is what the intro says..may Allah guide them..
We are a group of muslims from all over the world we enjoy meeting other people for friendship, romance and love.So if you are a male or female from 18-80 years old, single or unhappily married you are welcome to join this group. This is a good place for muslim sisters especialy if they are unhappily married to a violent husband to meet other men. Remember, it is a fact of life that most of muslim married men enjoy meeting other women. Also married muslim women enjoy meeting other men.Forget about hatred and war, let's talk about romance.

The Prophet's pbuh last words

hey ..i was looking on www.sahihalbukhari.com so i could find that hadith about the angels keeping u company in the grave...havent found it yet but did find a hadith i though was very touching and wanted to share it with u guys...No. 4139 - Narrated 'Aisha:

When the Prophet was healthy, he used to say, "No soul of a prophet is captured till he is shown his place in Paradise and then he is given the option." When death approached him while his head was on my thigh, he became unconscious and then recovered his consciousness. He then looked at the ceiling of the house and said, "O Allah! (with) the highest companions." I said (to myself), "Hence, he is not going to choose us." Then I realized that what he had said was the application of the narration which he used to mention to us when he was healthy. The last word he spoke was, "O Allah! (with) the highest companion."

Saturday, December 9, 2006

obsessed? maybe..

yay! tawfiq is on my blog!! now being that ive decided to keep this blog juice free..i wont say what i REALLY want to haha,,but subhanallah its not every day that u come across someone that touches your heart. the ayahs he is reciting are absolutely beatiful .....his voice, ya Allah, is amazing! and he looks like..like.. something not from this earth, loool, i know yall are thinking alright badra ur going a bit too far,,,but im sooo serious subhanallah. u know one of the things i think about while watching this clip? when we die, ya rub,,if we were good rightous ppl, how we will have a handsome, good smelling angel keeping us company in the grave till the day of judgement,,alot of the time we hear these things and we know yeah its gonna happen but we dont really feel the serious, reality of it. its scary. watching tawfiq adds to the reality of it. seeing him puts a smile on my face...i think to myself,,,wonder if that handsome angel will look anything like that!

Tawfiq as Sayegh

Thursday, December 7, 2006

a lil about my life right now

hmmm...that first post was awful,,wish i could erase it somehow...lol. anyway after i got off i was like man! i dont have a life! what the heck am i going to write about!? haha. well lets see whats going on in my life right now,,, im home schooling my two children,, Abdulaziz 9 and Aneesa 5. Thats going well in my opinion,,,,could be better... but im pretty happy so far and i think the kids are too. More importantly i feel like they are getting what they need academically and thats my number one goal. its kinda funny though cuz this pass summer when i was trying to decide what i was going to do for my kids as far as schooling, anytime the thought of homeschooling came up i cringed.. i did not want to go there. But subhanallah i asked Allah to guide me to whatever is good for us,,,i made istikharah,,,and here we are :) just finished our first 9 weeks ( we started a lil late cuz of a few things ) but its all good alhamdulilah. Hey i may even do it again next year! we will see inshallah. i dont think i would or could teach Abdulaziz once he gets to middle school,,and thats really not too far away,, I pray to Allah that something will give and two summers from now i wont be stuck in the same predicament as the last one,,, hmmm me wanting to move..story of my life.. i'll get into that another time. later.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

first post,,,last post?

well...im going to try out this blog thing and see how it turns out.. i dont seem to be able to keep up with much of anything for too long so we'll see how this turns out. if i can pull off a post every 2 weeks or so for 3 months i'll surprise myself :) im having a little dilema to start with.. how personal should i make this thing,,? i dont want it to be too personal cuz then i aint going to want anyone to read it lool but at the same time i want to be able to write what im feeling and thinking
sooooo ahhhh just so yall know,,i'll try to keep it real as best as i can BUT my real juicyjuice will just have to stay inside the fruit.. haha corney, i know!